Replying to a debate in the House, Home Minister Rajnath Singh said the Gujarat government has taken prompt action in the case involving thrashing of some dalits by cow protection activists and had arrested 16 accused and suspended 4 police officials including an Inspector.
The state government is also working to set up a special court to try this case within six months, he said.
Responding to the opposition charges, Singh said, "this incident is a blot on humanity. Gujarat incident is unfortunate and such incident should not happen again."
Contending that blaming each other is "no solution", he said, "Our government will not tolerate any physical violence or verbal abuse against dalits".
The Home Minister rejected the opposition charge that cases of atrocities against dalits have increased in last two years and said he could reel out figures of such incidents that took place under Congress rule. "But these things will not help. We have to think about solutions".