Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Thursday said learner's driving licenses will be issued at industrial training institutes (ITIs) and polytechnic colleges from November 15 onwards.
The move will help ease the backlog at 36 regional transport offices (RTOs) in the state, he said.
The state government has identified 221 ITIs and 29 polytechnic colleges in different parts of state where online tests to get learner's license will be conducted and licenses will be issued, Rupani said.
To get a learner's license, applicants first need to register online, make the payment and then appear for a test about traffic rules and regulations.
"Since this is an online test, we have decided to make use of the infrastructure at ITIs and polytechnic colleges," he said.
Every year, around 20 lakh people visit RTOs to get their learner's license and many have to wait for almost a month to their appointment. The new arrangement will ease the burden on RTOs and speed up the process, the chief minister said.
As per a government release, learner's licenses would be issued at ITIs from November 15, while the system would be operational in 29 polytechnics from November 25 onwards.