Coins in denominations of Rs 5 and10 and collectively worth Rs 13.80 lakh were seized from two persons who were carrying them in a car without valid documents in Gujarat's Valsad city on Sunday, police said.During a routine check here in the morning, the police found bags full of coins in possession of two persons in a car on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad National Highway, an official at Valsad city police station said.When questioned, they failed to give a satisfactory reply or valid documents following which the coins were seized, an official at Valsad city police station said."They were unable to provide valid documents or a satisfactory reply as to where and why they were carrying such huge amount of coins. Therefore, we seized the coins under Criminal Procedure Code Section 102 (power to police to seize certain property)," the officialsaid.The two persons told the police that they collected the coins from a bank and were going to distribute them at toll booths, he said."They could not provide any document to support this. Hence, we asked them to come back on Monday with valid documents," the official said.