In the youth of Gujarat, Jayaprakash saw the energy and the sparks for igniting a revolution in the eastern state that ultimately swept most of the nation.
A speech by the then Home Minister Brahmananda Reddi in Rajya Sabha on July 21, 1975 on the resolution for approval of the Proclamation of Emergency on June 26, establishes the chronological link between the two states and shows how Jayaprakash found an impetus from the "student movement" in the western state.
"Then I saw students in Gujarat bring about a political change with the backing of the people...And knew that this was the way out."
The speech, among other reports, are part of the Emergency-era documents accessed recently at the National Archives of India here.
Under the firebrand JP, the agitation in Bihar took the shape of a 'Total Revolution' and the initial demand for resignation of the then Ghafoor ministry in the state ultimately turned into a larger demand for dismissal of Indira Gandhi government.