Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani today said that his government's water conservation programme "Sujalam Sufalam Jal Abhiyan" had received an overwhelming response due to which it had decided to continue the campaign for two more years.
The month-long initiative, which started on May 1, the state's Foundation Day, aims to create additional water conservation capacity by 11,000 lakh cubic feet.
"When we launched the campaign on May 1 this year, we had limited organisations who extended their support. But now the campaign has received overwhelming response from society. Therefore we have decided to continue the campaign for the next two years," Rupani said.
He was speaking at a function in Bagthala town in neighbouring Morbi district.
"People from every section of society have joined the campaign. Once it is completed on May 31 this year, the reservoirs and ponds in the state will have 11,000 lakh cubic foot additional capacity to store water," he informed.
The state government has earmarked Rs 200 crore for the campaign.
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