Using the BJP's Lok Sabha poll campaign slogan, he took a dig at the Gujarat's annual budget 2014-15 presented before the state Assembly by state Finance Minister Saurabh Patel.
"Acche din aane wale hain (good days are ahead), but these are bad days and the days of price rise for the people of Gujarat," Vaghela said reacting to the Gujarat government's annual budget of 2014-15.
He also said that the people of Gujarat should have benefitted due to increased revenue income, but instead of that, stamp duty charges have been hiked on private and public transportation services as well as construction services.
He accused the Gujarat government for not making a proper and concrete plan to ensure law and order in Gujarat.
The Congress leader said the state government has been using increased revenue income to pay off its debt and interest, due to which it could not use increased revenue for the development of the people.