The Airports Authority of India (AAI) on Saturday said the greenfiled airport project at Hollongi in Arunachal Pradesh has been awarded to a Gujarat- based construction company, paving the way for its completion within 30 months.
The AAI, in a letter to the state government, said that work for the project has been awarded to Dineshchandra R Agrawal Infracon Pvt Ltd of Ahmedabad, through tender process.
The work, once awarded, has to be completed within a period of 30 months, it said.
After physical completion of the work, the firm shall enter into supplementary agreements with the AAI for operation and maintenance for a period of seven years, an official communique said.
The tender for the terminal building is also in the pipeline, it said.
The foundation stone of the project was laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 9, 2019.