A man was arrested in Surat city ofGujarat on Friday for allegedly beating up a migrant from Jharkhand over booking of train tickets.While opposition Congress claimed that accused Rajesh Verma is a BJP worker, the ruling party denied it.A video of the incident which took place outside the accused's office went viral on social media."Vasudev Verma, who hails from Jharkhand, had given money to Rajesh to buy train tickets for his native state," said assistant commissioner of police A M Parmar."Rajesh beat up Vasudev after he went to the collect the tickets on Thursday and they had a heated argument. We have arrested Rajesh," the ACP said.The Congress alleged that Rajesh was a BJP worker and fleecing helpless migrant workers who wanted to go home by Shramik Special trains.But the BJP said he had nothing to do with the party."Rajesh Verma is not a BJP worker. The party has not asked any of its workers to book tickets. The party has nothing to do with this," said Surat BJP president Nitin Bhajiawala.