"Report of Central government's web portal E-TAAL (E - Transactions Aggregation and Analysis Layer) states that Gujarat tops with over 81.76 crore e-transactions from January 2013 to July 2014, which is 26 per cent of the total e-transactions across the nation," said R S Sharma, Secretary, Electronics and Information Technology Department at the Centre, here yesterday.
"Mobile governance has become a very powerful medium in a range of fields. About 60 to 70 per cent of citizens possess mobiles in our country. And it's a matter of concern to focus upon how to creatively make use of the power of mobile technologies," Sharma further said.
On the occasion, Gujarat's Science and Technology Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama claimed that the state has made a mark in IT by implementing various projects such as e-Dhara, e-Gram and e-Kisan portal.
"Gujarat has truly put a whole lot of endeavour to achieve the dream of 'Tomorrow India' by means of Information Technology and talent," Chudasama said.
Chief Secretary to state government, Dr Varesh Sinha spoke on how Gujarat is showing a way ahead to the nation in this field.