Arish Said, head of the government's media department, yesterday said that Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni's motorcade was attacked and one of his guards was lightly wounded but that there were no fatalities.
"They managed to escape," Said said.
Prior to the attack, he said armed men who had been protesting outside a session of the Tobruk government's House of Representatives tried to storm the building, firing shots into the air and demanding al-Thinni be removed from office.
The session was postponed until next week before the attempted assassination.
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Nearly four years after the ouster of longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi, Libya is consumed by chaos. The country split is between an elected parliament and weak government, and a rival government and parliament in Tripoli set up by the Islamist-linked militias that took control the capital, forcing the government to relocate to the far eastern cities of Tobruk and Bayda.
Before the assassination attempt, a leader from Tobruk's dominant Obiedi tribe, Faraj Abu Alkhatabia, threatened al-Thanni on private broadcaster Libya Awalan.
"This prime minister must resign, if he doesn't I will smash his head," he said, adding that "either he leaves or we won't let the house of representatives stay in Tobruk."
A national security adviser to the Tobruk government, who declined to comment for fear of retribution, linked the threat to powerful Tobruk businessman and oil magnate Hassan Tatanaki, a member of the same tribe who owns the Libya Awalan television station.