On the other hand, Muradnagar gur markets showed a better trend and prices rose by up to Rs 100 per quintal on paucity of stocks.
Marketmen said tight stocks due to thin supplies from manufacturing belts, mainly led to the rise in gur prices at Muradnagar.
In Muradnagar, gur Dhayya and Pedi prices spurted from Rs 3,050-3,100 and Rs 3,000-3,050 to end at Rs 3,150-3,175 and Rs 3,0254-3,125 per quintal.
Following are today's rates (in Rs per quintal):
Gur chakku Rs 3,100-3,200, pedi Rs 3,400-3,500, dhayya Rs 3,500-3,600 and shakkar Rs 3,600-3,700.
Muradnagar: Pedi Rs 3,025-3,125 and dhayya Rs 3,150-3,175.