Muradnagar gur markets also showed a firming trend with prices rising up to Rs 75 per quintal in gur dhayya and pedi due to negiligible arrivals from manufacturing areas.
Marketmen said shrinking of stocks, sparked by thin supplies from manufacturing areas against better offtake, mainly attribued the rise in gur prices.
In Delhi, gur Dhayya prices shot up by Rs 100 to finish at Rs 3,500-3,600 per quintal.
At Muradnagar, there also prices of gur pedi and dhayya rose from Rs 2,900-2,950 to Rs 2,900-3,025 and Rs 2,950-3,000 per quintal.
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Gur chakku 3,300-3,400, pedi 3,300-3,400, dhayya 3,500-3,600 and shakkar 3,500-3,600.
Muzaffarnagar: Rasket 2,800-2,900, chakku 2,850-3,100, khurpa 2,650-2,750 and Ladoo 2,900-3,000.
Muradnagar: Pedi 2,950-3,025 and dhayya 2,950-3,000.