Dhaniakhali Joint BDO Ashok Sarkar and Social Welfare Officer Rama Samanta surrendered before the court of Arup Basu who had on Tuesday issued arrest warrants against the two for not appearing to depose in the court.
Samanta as district social welfare officer had filed the FIR in the case on July 11 last year in Gurap police station, Sarkar was a key witness. They were scheduled to depose during trial of the case that began on Monday.
The body of a 32-year-old destitute dumb woman, Guria, who died at a private home at Khajurdaho in Hooghly district, was exhumed on July 11 last year from the ground within the home premises.
Later, bodies of four more inmates of the home were dug out from the banks of river Damodar at Jamalpur in Burdwan district close to Gurap.
Owner of the home for women, Udaychand Kumar, and two of his staff were arrested and the case was handed over to CBI following a Calcutta High Court order.