MSIL has invested around Rs 20 lakh to set up the Kasan Water ATM which is capable of supplying 1,000 litres of purified water every hour which will benefit over 10,000 villagers, said Chaudhary.
The Kasan village panchayat is the owner of the project. It has provided the land to MSIL for the same and would also provide water and electricity to run the water ATM, she added.
Its TDS treatment capacity of 5,000 PPM is aimed at reducing water-borne diseases, he added.
"Waterlife India will undertake the operations and maintenance of the plant for 10 years and would also sell water at a nominal rate of 35 paise per litre.
"MSIL has taken up various community development initiatives to improve water supply and sanitation facilities in the villages of Manesar," said Kalsi.