The 46-year-old "Man From UNCLE" director tied the knot with model Ainsley, 33, in a star-studded ceremony last month and he is organising an equally lavish holiday to celebrate their union, reported the Daily Mirror.
"The Beckhams went to the Maldives at Christmas and couldn't say enough good things, so Guy has taken their advice," said a source.
David Beckham is said to be close friends with Ritchie.
The director, who has children David and Rocco with ex-wife Madonna and Rafael, Levi and Rivka with Ainsley, has booked for him and his new wife, as well as their children, to stay at two of the Maldives' most luxurious resorts.
The Ritchies will then reportedly move on to a neighbouring island to spend the final leg of their honeymoon at the Four Seasons Ladaa Giraavaru, which is famous for its wildlife resort.
Ritchie is currently busy promoting his latest film as well as shooting the upcoming "Knights of the Roundtable: King Arthur", so it is said the trip will not take place until next year.