Congress Chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala filed two complaints with the Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police on the hacking of the two Twitter accounts, the party website and the email accounts of Congress and Rahul Gandhi.
Rahul's Twitter account was hacked last night and some obscene remarks were put out online for around an hour. Today, his email account was also hacked, the party claimed.
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"A case has been registered by the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) under Section 66 of the IT Act. Twitter has been asked to provide details of log of the account for investigation purpose," said Dependra Pathak, Delhi Police spokesman and Joint Commissioner (Southwest).
A similar FIR was registered by the EOW in connection with the hacking of Congress' website.
"We have registered a case under section 66 of IT Act on a complaint by Congress leader Randeep Surjewala," a senior EOW officer said, adding log details from Twitter as well as Congress server have been sought to identify the culprits and trace the digital footprints from servers.
Confirming that first Rahul's twitter account @OfficeOfRG and then Congress' @INCIndia were hacked by "lumpen fascists", Surjewala said he has filed a complaint on behalf of Congress to Delhi police and now the onus is on Narendra Modi government to ensure digital security and punish the guilty.
"Free speech and right to disagree in India is under attack by licensed trolls. Such despotic and vulgar attempts reflect the extremities of an intolerant culture that resorts to abuse when cornered and left answerless," he said.
"Indian National Congress has fought such hatred and animosity with Gandhian compassion and tolerance. 'Sabko sanmati de bhagwaan' (May God give better sense to all)," Surjewala said on Twitter.
"Cyber attacks on @INCIndia and @OfficeOfRG exposes the vulnerability of cyber security and Digital platforms in India. An eye opener for Modiji!" he tweeted
Earlier, Rahul had tweeted, "To every one of you haters out there. I love all of you. You're beautiful. Your hatred just doesn't let you see it yet."
Congress later tweeted, "Hello everyone! We are back. The tweets in the morning lacked wit, evidently.