The Centre will also provide Rs 9.50 crore to Rajasthan government for the construction of a multi-purpose indoor stadium at Khel Gaon in Udaipur in the memory of Maharana Pratap, besides developing a museum there named after him, Culture Minister Mahesh Sharma said.
"Maharana Pratap is known for his fearless fight to protect his people. He inspires us to continue our struggle till we attain the success. The Centre along with Rajasthan government will develop Haldighati as the tourist centre in memory of Maharana," Sharma said.
Maharana Pratap was the eldest son of Maharani Jaiwanta Bai and Udai Singh II, founder of Udaipur.
Renowned as a fearless warrior and an ingenious combat strategist, Pratap protected the Mewar region against repeated onslaughts from the Mughals and safeguarded his people until his death.
Ministry of Culture is celebrating the 475th Birth Anniversary year of Maharana Pratap during 2015-16 in association with Rajasthan government.
As part of the birth anniversary celebrations, Sharma released a commemorative coin of Rs 100 and a circulation coin of Rs 10 here.