Bieller, who will not savour anything but gelato, said that the handcrafted and balanced concoctions are Italy's offer to the rest of world.
"Like Gelato from our land, which can now be available with all its authenticity in the far eastern shores here, I have liked the sweet tanginess of some of your sweets and desserts and yoghurt including 'misti doi," he said.
"India and Italy have lot of things in common to tickle our taste buds. This opens the possibility to explore our culinary routes. Including taking your misti doi to our land. As of now we may encourage this private initiative on a small scale," he said at the launch of Mama Mia, the pioneer of gelato, in the southern parts of the city.
This is because gelato is conjured with the concept of artisanal flavours of the faraway Italian country side, my native place, and not the synthetic taste typical of a meachanised plant in an European city, he said.