The film, which is an adaptation of Vinod Mehta's acclaimed book 'The Sanjay Story' published post the Emergency, will be about the short but turbulent life of Sanjay Gandhi.
"Vinod Mehta's book is remarkable as it is engaging, rarely judgemental and based on solid research... Sanjay Gandhi, his life and death have always been shrouded in mystery as has been his relationship with India's own Iron lady and his mother, Indira Gandhi. I feel both challenged and privileged to be making this important film," Mehta said in a statement.
Mehta is awaiting the release of his next "Aligarh" starring Rajkumar Rao and Manoj Bajpayee.
"Aligarh" is based on the real life incident of a professor, who was suspended from his job because of his sexual-orientation.