On specific information about the presence of hardcore criminal Sunny Choudhary alias Sunny Baba along with his associate Avneet Singh alias Naggi at Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab border, a police party raided the area and arrested both from Lakhanpur area of Kathua district yesterday, SSP Jammu Uttar Chand said.
He said that Sunny, who was earlier arrested and was on judicial custody, had managed to escape from GMC on August 22.
He said that Sunny Baba was wanted in more than 14 cases in various police stations across Jammu region.
"We are also investigating the role of police officials who were deployed at GMC at the time of his escape, though it was a clear case of negligence on their part but we are investigating their role in it," he said.
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SSP said that after escaping from GMC Jammu, Sunny Baba had stayed in Badhi area of Himachal Pradesh and various other places.
The arrest was significant as his escape had raised various question marks on the efficiency of Jammu police, he said.
He is being questioned and we will keep you on briefing if he makes any startling revealation, he said.