Surat Police, after conducting an inquiry into the charges made by Hardik last month, today said in a statement that they did not find any "proof" in the claims made by him.
"Hardik was placed alone in barrack no. 1 of Lajpore Jail, but on his submission that he did not like to stay alone, the jail authorities placed two watchmen to guard, keeping his safety in mind. Police did not find any evidence of his being tortured, as claimed by him," police said in the statement.
"In Hardik's case, his cousin Ravibhai Maheshbhai himself brought tiffin for him, which went through regular process. So there is no question of the food being adulterated before reaching him, and the claim finds no ground," it added.
Hardik, who is presently lodged in Lajpore prison on sedition charges, had written to the jail authorities on February 17 complaining about the food that he was receiving in his barrack was being "adulterated."