Avtar Singh, holding the post of Administrative Secretary, visited the rain-hit districts of Faridabad, Mewat, Palwal, Sonepat, and Jind.
Singh said that 90 per cent of the wheat affected by rain would be purchased by different government agencies.
Accompanied by Deputy Commissioner, Faridabad Amit Kumar Agrawal and SDM Ballabgarh Priyanka Soni, he visited the wheat markets in the villages of Mohna and Fatehpur Billoch.
While interacting with the market associations, Avtar Singh said that wheat will be purchased by the government without any discrimination.
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Deputy Commissioner Amit Kumar Agrawal informed the Additional Chief Secretary that 48,157 tonnes of wheat has been purchased by all the six markets by yesterday.
Of the total quantity, 20,457 tonnes has been purchased by Food and Supply department, 16,320 by HAFED and 11,380 by Haryana Warehousing Corporation.
In order to remove the difficulties being faced by the farmers and the wholesalers, he instructed the concerned officials to remove the electrical line in the market of Fatehpur Billoch.