He also said Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar had approved the policy. At present, he said there are a total of 506 Ayush facilities in the state which needs to be further improved.
The minister said that it would help in incorporating various types of Ayush modes in the mainstream and also to provide proper infrastructure, help reinventing manpower and to promote Indian medicine system in the state.
He said that 4,500 square-feet land would be required for opening of a dispensary at the block level in rural area whereas 2,250 square feet in urban areas.
Similarly, in rural areas of a Tehsil, for opening a 10- bed hospital, 2,250 square feet land would be required and 4,500 square feet will be required in urban areas.
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Apart from this, 4,500 square feet land would be required to open 20 bed hospitals at the district level.
Vij said that an OPD room, a distribution room, a store, a therapy room, a registration room and three toilets would be constructed in the rural dispensary to be constructed at the village and block level.
Similarly, two OPD rooms, a distribution room, a store, a therapy room, a registration room and four toilets would be constructed in dispensary to be constructed in urban areas.
He said that facilities of an OPD room, a distribution room, a store, a therapy room, a registration room and three toilets would be provided at tehsil level in urban dispensaries.