Apart from this, the state government is making concerted efforts to develop the textile market of Ambala, Haryana's Finance Minister Capt Abhimanyu said interacting with media-persons after presiding over a monthly meeting of District Public Relations and Grievances Redressal Committee here today.
On being asked about setting up of a tool room for science industry and micro-enterprises in Saha here, the minister said that "the previous state government had only misled the people and entrepreneurs by laying its foundation stone, but no budget provision was made for its construction."
There would be provision of Rs 100 crore for the tool room to be set up in Saha, he added.
While taking a dig at the functioning of Congress government, Abhimanyu said that "they used to make only announcements whereas the present State Government believes in implementation."
During the meeting, the minister heard a total of 54 complaints and directed the officers to redress these complaints at the earliest.
He directed the Deputy Commissioner, Ambala to send report of those officers who were absent from the meeting today along with reason of their absence.