Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, however, said that the state government was satisfied with his clarification that the drug had nothing to do with conceiving a male child and was only named after a herb.
"We told him (Ramdev) whether the name of this medicine (Putrajeevak Beej) could be changed. But he said that it was an ancient name which was not given by him and therefore it was not his right to change its name," Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said while addressing reporters here today.
Khattar said that Ramdev had said that this medicine was made from a herb and did not make any discrimination between son and daughter.
"We should accept whatever clarification he gave on this issue," Khattar said when he was asked whether his government would take any step to ban this medicine in the state which is infamous for skewed sex ratio across the country.
Yesterday, opposition MPs led by KC Tyagi in the Rajya Sabha demanded a ban on the product and had sought stringent action against the manufacturer.