Haryana Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Department has invited applications from the eligible students belonging to Scheduled Castes under the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for the year 2013-14, a spokesman of the department said.
"All students belonging to the Scheduled Castes from post matric classes to postgraduate classes whose parents' annual income from all sources does not exceed Rs 2.50 lakh were eligible under this scheme," the spokesman said.
He said that under the scheme, maintenance allowance ranging from Rs 230 to Rs 1200 per month is given to the students.
However, the fee which will be refunded by the university, colleges or institutions would not be paid, he added.
To avail the benefit of the scheme, students studying in university, colleges and institutions should submit their forms on the link given on the website of the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Department www.Haryanascbc.Gov.In, the spokesman said.
The link for online submission of forms would be available from July 15 to October 31, he added.