Additional Chief Secretary of the Electronics & Information Technology Department Yudhvir Singh Malik said this at a meeting here with officials of six districts of the Gurgaon Division.
He said since 65 per cent of the population in Haryana resides in villages and 35 per cent in urban areas, out of 2,500 CSCs, 1,600 will be set up in rural areas and 900 in urban areas. One CSC would cover a population of about 10,000.
The idea is that a citizen goes to a CSC and ask for a certificate he wants by just telling his name and address. He gets the certificate then and there without passing through hassles of verification.
Malik said initially birth, death, marriage, orphan, income, residential certificates and electricity bills could be obtained from the CSC in rural areas. For urban areas, it is proposed to include property tax, building plan also.
A village-level entrepreneur would be selected as CSC operator-cum-manager and will be authorised to act as a citizen delivery point. The selection will be made by a committee under the chairmanship of respective Deputy Commissioner, he said.