"Has he forgotten Kargil war or the way then External Affairs Minister Jaswanth Singh accompanied terrorists to Kandahar and freed them or the terrorist attack on Parliament?" the AICC General Secretary asked.
Modi was posing several questions and finding faults with the UPA government, particularly on the issue of terror and protecting the border. Had he forgotten that 'total chaos' prevailed on the borders during the NDA regime, Wasnik said at a party workers' conference at Chadivay on the city outskirts.
On the other hand, as a constructive opposition then, Congress had not made the issue a political one and instead stood behind the A B Vajpayee led government, he claimed.
He alleged Modi's speeches reflected 'arrogance' instead of winning the hearts of the people.
The opposition was challenging the principles and constitution of Congress, which wanted an inclusive growth for the benefit all the sections of the society, Wasnik said, adding the workers should undertake door-to-door campaign and highlight the achievements of the UPA government.