Sam Hunter Baxter, a student of music at Bristol University, saw off competition from 300 other wacky entries in the Odd Invention Challenge, which asked people to submit their oddest invention ideas to win the money prize and have the idea prototyped.
"One day, to while away the time when brushing my teeth I calculated that on average people spend 75 days of their life with a toothbrush in hand," said Baxter, from Tenby, Pembrokeshire.
Baxter's invention will now be made into a real gadget which he says is "fantastic".
Other wacky inventions in the competition included killer heels which can store house keys, a beard shaped razor and training shoes with rollers on the soles to act as mini-treadmills, 'mirror.Co.Uk' reported.
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An "umbrelloo" - an umbrella complete with drop-down side panelling, forming a pop-up personal toilet cubicle, was also part of the competition.
"The toothbrush hat is a deserving and wonderfully offbeat winner. Brushing your teeth can be a time consuming and mundane task," said Wit Oddoski, founder of Oddka, who sponsored the competition.