The index-based circuit breaker system, which is already in place, brings to halt trading in all equity and equity derivative markets in case of a steep swing in share movements of BSE's Sensex or NSE's Nifty.
There is a trading halt in all equity and equity derivative markets on 10 per cent, 15 per cent and 20 per cent movement either way of Sensex or Nifty.
In the event of breach of market-wide circuit breaker limit, stock exchanges will stop matching of orders to bring about a trading halt. All unmatched orders present in the system will thereupon be purged by the stock exchange.
Besides, exchanges have been directed to implement suitable mechanism to ensure that all messages related to market-wide index circuit breakers are given higher priority over other messages, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said.
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With the view to identifying improvements, exchanges will include a review of index based market-wide circuit breaker mechanism in their annual system audit.
The directions are based on the recommendations of Sebi's Technical Advisory Committee and Secondary Market Advisory Committee.
The move will help in further strengthening the mechanism of index based market-wide circuit breaker.