Shraddha, daughter of popular actor Shakti Kapoor, made her acting debut with 'Teen Patti' alongside megastar Amitabh Bachchan, R Madhavan and others. Her next release was 'Luv Ka The End' with Y-Films, which is a subsidiary of Yash Raj Films. However, both the films failed to garner much attention.
It was her third release, 'Aashiqui 2' which turned out to be a huge success.
"After the success of 'Aashiqui 2', I feel I need to conquer a lot more. I am constantly working towards it and I will work harder. Nobody expected 'Aashiqui 2' could do so well as it had two new faces.
Shraddha feels the success 'Ashiqui 2' has received is like a "crazy phenomenon".
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For Shraddha, the kind of appreciation that came from all quarters post the release of 'Aashiqui 2' was overwhelming.
"For me, actually be remembered as 'Arohi' (the name of character) was the biggest compliment. Whenever I go out people scream Arohi... That is the effect of 'Aashiqui 2'," the actress said.
Shraddha said that she felt honoured to be working with director Mohit Suri on 'Ek Villain'.