North Delhi Municipal Commissioner Praveen Kumar Gupta today said that during various field inspection of different shopping complexes and market areas, it has been observed that hawkers, street vendors, shopkeepers and mobile vans, especially eating outlets, do not make any arrangements for collection of waste.
As a result, people throw waste on the roads berms and footpaths and even in the open surface drains, leading to its choking sometime.
Gupta also directed the shopkeepers and vendors for making proper arrangements for collection of waste by keeping dustbins etc. And properly dispose it into community dustbin or dhalaos (garbage dumps).
Keeping in view of above factors and the 'Swachh Bharat Mission', the Commissioner directed all Zonal Deputy Commissioners to ensure that shopkeepers and street vendors make their own adequate arrangements for collection of waste and dispose of their waste at municipal receptacles/dhalaos, failing which, they are liable for levy of fine and prosecution action as per relevant provision of the DMC Act.