"Let them file an affidavit. As the matter requires hearing, put up on August 8," a bench headed by Acting Chief Justice B D Ahmed said.
The bench was hearing two separate petitions filed by nine eminent persons, including former Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami and advocate M L Sharma on the issue.
The PILs allege that the Union of India has arbitrarily appointed the CAG, keeping aside all the established practices provided by the Supreme Court in its judgement relating to appointment of Central Vigilance Commissioner P J Thomas and the appointment made in the Punjab Public Service Commission.
He also said that defence procurement deals are usually the subject matter of auditing by the highest accounting body and moreover, CBI has also registered a case in relation to one such defence deal undertaken during Sharma's tenure as defence secretary.
The court, which did not issue notice today on the PILs, however, agreed to hear them and sought a response from the Centre.