According to Karve, around Rs 177 crore has already been misappropriated by Bhujbal and his kin including his son and MLA Pankaj and nephew Sameer Bhujbal, an MP from Nashik.
A division bench of Justices P V Hardas and A R Joshi today allowed the Bhujbals to contest the allegations made against them in the petition saying, "There are averments made against the applicants (Bhujbals) hence they should be heard before passing any order".
The EOW had, however, filed an affidavit last year saying that the dispute was internal among the trustees and hence the complaint has been forwarded to the charity commissioner's office. Following this Karve sought CBI probe.
The court had then admitted the petition and said it would hear the matter itself.
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Bhujbal and his nephew Sameer Bhujbal filed an application in the court seeking permission to be heard before any order is passed.
According to Karve, Bhujbal and his family members "dishonestly" occupied the entire tenth floor of the Trust building in Bandra since 2005.