Justice G S Sistani allowed the 43-year-old actor's plea saying the money earned through the screening of his film -- Bhopal-A Prayer for Rain -- can be used to repay the loan of Rs five crore that he took from a businessman, who had filed the recovery suit against Yadav and his wife.
The court, however, made it clear that by allowing him to go abroad for four days, it is "not granting him any concession or condoning his acts".
Yadav was also directed to file an undertaking that he will return after the show and will give terms of travel, nature of the contract and the financial terms.
It also warned that any violation of the conditions shall be viewed strictly.
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Senior advocate Dayan Krishnan, appearing for the businessman, strongly opposed Yadav's plea, saying the actor has immovable property here which he should sell to pay back his loan and till then he should "sit here and go nowhere".
The high court had on December 10, 2013 suspended the sentence of 10 days jail term awarded to the actor by a single judge for misleading the court in the recovery suit.
Yadav and his wife Radha have been engaged in a legal battle after Delhi-based businessman M G Agarwal, owner of Murli Projects, filed a case against them in the high court for failing to repay a loan of Rs five crore which the actor had taken in 2010 to make his Hindi debut directional film 'Ata Pata Laapata'.