A bench of Justice G S Sistani asked the North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) to take possession of about 110 acres of land in village Sultanpur Dabas at the earliest and also file a status report informing the court how they propose to utilise the land and a timeframe for the same.
The court also asked the authorities to hold a meeting expeditiously to work out the modalities regarding 100 acres of land in village Mandi, Jaunapur in South Delhi, so that the site can be handed over to the municipal corporation at the earliest.
The court passed the order, after it was informed by DDA that these two sites have been identified and the process is underway to hand over possession of the same to the concerned municipal bodies for waste management purposes.
DDA made the submission before the court in pursuance of the court's July 10 order directing that a meeting be held between the authorities regarding a piece of land in North Delhi, which, according to DDA, measured 100 acres while MCD claims it to be around 44 acres.
The court has asked the authorities to discuss the availability of the site near Sonia Vihar in a meeting to be held between them and if it can be made available, then the same be done expeditiously.