A bench of justices G S Sistani and Sangita Dhingra Sehgal also said each and every person, including lawyers, have to "take up the role of policemen" to prevent racial attacks against people from the northeast and women in general as it is not possible to provide one cop per individual.
"One policeman per person is not possible. We all are policemen. Unless we take up this role it would be difficult to prevent such instances," the bench said while hearing contempt proceedings against two lawyers for allegedly abusing and manhandling some people from the northeast, including a woman advocate.
It said the suggestions should be "simple, rustic and public-oriented" and also asked the bar associations to include the methods for implementing their recommendations.
The court listed the contempt case as well as the suo motu proceedings it initiated into the death of a 19-year-old northeast-origin student, Nido Tania, on March 18 and directed all parties to give their respective suggestions to make the city more safer for people from that region and women in general.
Apart from that, the victims of the assault had also moved a plea for contempt proceedings against the two lawyers, Azad Chandra Prakash Gautam and Varun Jain.