Justice R Subbaiah, before whom the petition filed by Nagai Seafoods Catching Association, came up, directed the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries, and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, to pass suitable orders on the representation within a period of three months after allowing a personal hearing.
The matter relates to the ban imposed in 2000 by the Centre on fishing and trade in sea cucumber.
The ZSI report suggested several alternative and scientific measures and recommendations for managing the sea cucumber population and did not recommend continuation of the ban, the petitioner claimed.
The petitioner said that government not responding to the recommendations of ZSI, "which are in tune with recommendations of Food And Agricultural Organization of United Nations has not only resulted in the loss of livelihood to fishermen families but also adversely affected the marine ecosystem."
"All these regions have experienced depletion of sea cucumber population at various times in the past as governments of these countries adopted various regulatory measures and scientific practices to conserve sea cucumber population."
The petitioner prayed that the representation may be considered within a stipulated period after affording a personal hearing.