The First Bench of Chief Justice SK Kaul and Justice Pushpa Sathyanarayana gave the direction, while disposing a PIL by S Ramanathan, Vice-President, Krishnagiri unit of the Congress Committee and resident of Pochampalli village.
Ramanathan, in his representation dated January 30 addressed to the President of India, submitted that Samalpatti Power Company Private Limited started functioning from 2001. The company generates electricity using Low Sulfur Heavy Stock as fuel.
He alleged that ever since the unit started functioning, there was no rainfall in the surrounding area of 50 kms radius. The sulfur content of the smoke emitted by the unit, which was beyond the prescribed limit, increased the normal temperature, made the atmosphere more warmer and evaporated the water content in the cloud, he added.
Alleging that he was compelled to approach the High Court as he was intimidated by the plant management for sending representations to the authorities and organising agitations, he sought the authorities concerned not to renew the licence, which is expiring in early 2016.
As there was no positive action, Ramanathan filed the t PIL for a direction to the Chief Secretary to take appropriate action on his complaint and subsequent reminder dated May 15.
Admitting the petition, the Bench directed Ramanathan to submit a comprehensive representation to the TNPCB, which should dispose of the same within a month.