The first bench, comprising Chief Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice T S Sivagnanam, on the PIL by S Safiath, said in its order that the focus seems to be on the first Prakash Raj as he happens to be an actor."
"We are, thus, not inclined to entertain the PIL and it is for the petitioner to first put the concerned persons advertising their product to notice and to take action in accordance with law thereafter in view of the various remedies available. The petition is closed in the aforesaid terms", the judges said.
She also sought to stop the company from advertising it in newspapers and press and to direct the Chennai Police Commissioner to take action against the actor and the company responsible for treating women allegedly disrespectfully.
She made Prakash Raj, who appeared in the advertisement as the first, the Commissioner of Police as the second and the Corporation of Chennai as third respondents.
"Interestingly, the petition has been filed impleading only the cine actor as a party, with the Commissioner of Police and the Commissioner of Corporation impleaded as second and third respondents", the bench said.