A Pune sessions court had awarded life imprisonment to Bhiva Chapte on two separate counts of rape and murder of the victim. He was also handed down 7 years jail term for causing disappearance of evidence. All the three sentences were to run concurrently.
The high court, hearing the appeal filed by Chapte against his conviction, found him guilty on all the three counts and observed that there was enough evidence to connect him with the crime.
The body of the girl was found on the next day i.E on February 16.
Chapte had denied his involvement in the crime, saying he was falsely implicated in the case.
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However, police had recovered his blood-stained shirt and undergarments at the time of his arrest. The case was based entirely on circumstantial evidence and there was no eye witness.
The Judges also relied upon the statement of the victim's sister who said that the appellant had taken the girl to a nearby jungle on the pretext that he would give her money to buy sweets. "In such a case, the burden is on the accused to prove that he is not guilty", the bench said.