A division bench, comprising Justice S Nagamuthu and Justice V Bharathidasan, which heard a habeas corpus petition by Madan's mother, today directed the Virugambakkam police to hand over all relevant materials, if any, to the Additional Deputy Commissioner S Radhakrishnan of CCB, who will expeditiously investigate the producer's whereabouts.
The bench, in its order, said "Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, Central Crime Branch, S Radhakrishnan, is directed to take up the investigation and every effort should be made to trace Madhan and file a status report by June 23."
The petitioner had submitted that no case was registered by police on her complaint and no steps were taken to trace her son who went missing last month.
When the matter came up earlier, the Additional Public Prosecutor said there were several complaints against Madhan that he had collected money from various students and their parents with a false promise to get them admission in a leading private college.
When the matter came up today, the bench ordered CCB to carry out a probe into the issue and file a report.