Justice N Kirubakaran, whose order has led wearing of helmet mandatory in Tamil Nadu since July 1, also said celebrities too could be roped in to popularise the mandatory helmet rule.
Underlining the relevant sections of Motor Vehicle Act, which mandated providing helmets to two wheeler riders, the Judge asked the Centre to ensure two-wheeler manufacturers to provide helmets confirming to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
The Judge, while accepting that there was a practical difficulty in safeguarding the helmet, said "a helmet lock will solve the apprehension of the people losing helmets."
Earlier, the state government had filed a compliance report giving details of the number of two wheeler accident cases registered, deaths (with/without helmet) and number of cases registered for non-wearing of helmets between June, 2015 and September 15, 2015.
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On perusal of the report, Justice Kirubakaran observed that the number of deaths "drastically came down" from 582 in June to 498 in July.
The Judge posted the matter to October 13 for further hearing.