Justice P N Prakash, in his interim order, directed the police to find out from the Tiruchi law college if the petitioner was eligible to write the examination according to University rules and regulations.
"If he had received the hall ticket, then he should be allowed to write the examination with police escort to the examination hall and back to jail", the judge said.
The Judge said that the court was aware that the petitioner could not be released either on emergency or ordinary leave in view of the pendency of criminal appeal before the High court. "At the same time, the petitioner's counsel says that his career would be spoilt if he was not allowed to write the examination. Therefore, the court had to strike a balance", the judge said.
If the petitioner is entitled to get hall ticket, then it should be issued to him irrespective of the conviction and sentence imposed on him, the Judge said. The conviction should not stand in the way of his writing the examination.