Justice Nagamuthu, in his order, directed the Tahsildar, Tambaram to forward a complaint to the Commissioner of Police, Chennai City in respect of a forgery with regard to the patta documents related to a property of 1000 Sq.Ft which was originally earmarked as a road in Chitlapakkam Town Panchayat.
The judge, who allowed an appeal filed by one Natarajan partly, said "forgery is a fraud and so the power of the Court to unearth the fraud and to bring to book the culprits shall find no barriers."
The matter relates to a property of 2433 sq.Ft which was described as two pieces of land one measuring 1433 sq. Ft and another 1000 sq.Ft enjoyed by Natarajan.
The District Munsiff court decreed in favour of Natarajan for whole 2433 sq.Ft. Property when he filed a suit against which the Executive officer, Chittalapakkam Panchayat filed an appeal before the Subordinate Judge, Tambaram who set aside the Munsiff order following which the present plea was filed.
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When the documents relating to the disputed 1000 sq ft property was produced, the judge noted that it was earmarked as road.
Despite strong objections raised by counsel for Natarajan that the appellate court has got no power to call for the documents or to record evidence, the judge said "cursory comparison of the documents produced would clinchingly prove that the patta has been forged. This court cannot close its eyes and keep its arms tied without moving forward to see that the real culprits who are responsible for fabrication of these documents are prosecuted and punished."