Dismissing an appeal by Alangulam Panchayat President K Ravichandran challenging a single judge's order, a bench comprising justices V. Ramasubramanian and N Kirubakaran directed Sivaganga District Collector to initiate action against officials involved in issuing the defective notices.
The judges said the appellant was first issued a show-cause notice under the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act,1994 on December 10, 2014 seeking an explanation as to why he should not be removed from the post over the misappropriation charges.
Another notice was issued by the district officials on August 28, 2015 and that too was quashed by the court on the ground of insufficient notice period.
A third notice issued was also set aside on the same ground, following which the fourth notice was served on him on December 4 last. This notice was also drafted in such a manner that the appellant could succeed.
In their order the judges said: "We find nothing wrong in the order of the learned Judge. If notices for initiating proceedings under the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 are cleverly manoeuvred, in collusion with the officials, the Court had to cleverly overcome it.