Justice Debasish Kargupta rejected the plea of 410 students of Kankinada Adarsha High School to be allowed to sit for the state Madhyamik (standard X) examination, scheduled to begin from Monday, as they had not received their admit cards from the Board.
The order was passed after the Board lawyers informed the court that the youths were not bonafide students of the school and had no registration with the Board.
Hearing both the parties, Justice Kargupta dismissed their plea.
At this, the students turned restive in the corridors of the high court and the police were called who dispersed the students from the court building.
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They then turned their ire on cars of lawyers parked outside the court and damaged a few of them.
Police sources said that one youth was detained for breaking the windscreen of a car.
He was later released on bail by court bailiffs, they added.