A PIL, filed by Haresh Lokegaonkar had alleged that Shahani, also Principal of H R College of Commerce, whose term as Sheriff of Mumbai expired in 2009, has been holding on and enjoying all the privileges entitled to the post, even till date as no other person has been nominated for this position.
Justice S F Vajifdar and R Y Ganoo disposed of the PIL on March 15 after Shahani's Counsel Satish Maneshinde said she ceased to be Sheriff of Mumbai with effect from December 19, 2009.
The petition alleged that Shahani was operating her private website called "sheriffofmumbai.Com." The name of the public post and Government seal (Rajmudra) is found on her website. The use of government seal on website without any authority of law is an offence, it claimed.
Maneshinde said the website inadvertently remained to be deleted immediately upon her ceasing to be the Sheriff of Mumbai. It has now been deleted, he told the court.
The petitioner contended that the post of Sheriff was an apolitical titular position of authority bestowed on a good citizen of Mumbai for a period of one year. The Sheriff is appointed by a committee headed by the Chief Minister.