A bench of Justices A S Oka and A S Chandurkar directed the State to pay Rs 10,000 as costs to Yuvraj Pawar, a resident of Satara, for his illegal detention under Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Slumlords, Bootleggers, Drug Offenders and Dangerous Persons Act (MPDA).
Pawar was detained under section 3 of MPDA on December 2, 2013 by an order passed by Satara Magistrate. However, on January 18, 2014, the state revoked the detention order and ordered Pawar's release from jail. Being aggrieved, Pawar filed a petition for quashing his detention and seeking compensation for wrongful detention.
However, the court did not award compensation as prayed by the petitioner. Instead, it imposed costs on the State government for passing the detention order "without any application of mind."
"This is not a case where compensation can be granted. However, we find this is a fit case where the costs can be imposed. The state government has accepted opinion of the Advisory Board that there was no sufficient cause for detention of the petitioner," said the Judges.