A division bench, comprising Chief Justice Mansoor Ahmad Mir and Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan, passed the order on a writ petition filed by Paras Dhaulta who has alleged that no flights are being operating to and from Shimla airport since September, 2012.
AAI had filed a reply to the petition regarding non- operation of flights from Jubber-Hatti Airport wherein it was pointed out that they are taking up the matter with the concerned authorities with regard to the shortcomings pointed out by the team.
However, since September, 2012 no flight is being operated to Shimla and the airport has become a virtual white elephant which is being maintained at the cost of public exchequer without serving any purpose.
The petitioner also pointed out that on the one hand tourism has been hit in the absence of any air connectivity to the hill state and on the other Airport Authority of India was spending huge amount to maintain the airport.